
Saturday 3 January 2015

Day 65

I read about a women who doesn't make New Year's resolutions, but instead sets goals.  Makes sense really.  Goals are more specific and she is still working towards them when the rest of the population has reached what my writer friend calls 'the broken-resoultion end of January'.

I must admit I felt a quiet sigh of relief when Jan 1 rolled around this week and I wasn't looking at that tired old wish list of 'lose weight, eat better, exercise more.' These are still my goals of course, it's just that this time around they are already built in to my Year of Living Well, which is now 65 days old.  My limited maths would suggest that there are 300 days remaining.   Enough time to get the hang of it all really.

So whether there are goals or resolutions (or revolutions as my little girl calls them) on your list, here's to seeing them all the way through.


Indigo Kate x


  1. Oh my gosh this is kismet. I am on a creative scrapbooking team and the challenge I posted this week (went live online today) is to scrapbook a page about goals ! What a kicker. Cue the spooky music.

    1. Spooky music indeed! Hope there are some great goals as part of your challenge Carol, and thanks very much for reading :)
