
Wednesday 5 November 2014

Day 5

Two good things happened today.

The first was a session with a health professional, talking all things health. Sleep, diet, hormones, consistency, protein and green smoothies were all on the table. It was unhurried and helpful and pitched exactly where I'm at now, not where I should be at or where I used to be at. There was a gentle acceptance that health plans are sometimes derailed by that freight train called life and how best to get it back on the tracks.  I came away feeling informed and inspired and realistic about my Year of Living Well plans. I have another appointment for just before Christmas so we can see how it is all unfolding.  It's nice to have a companion on the journey, especially one that's a million times smarter about all this stuff than me.

The second thing I did was eat the most sensational salad for lunch. Salad and I usually keep a polite distance, just the occasional nod before moving on to talk to someone more interesting on the menu. Someone with a bit of substance.  But today, I walked into a little salad bar in town open to possibilities. I chose a base of baby spinach, then got to add seven (seven!) other bits and pieces. Hello avocado, grilled eggplant, roast pumpkin, chick peas, seeds, cucumber and something else fabulous.  Throw some smoked salmon on top and Salad and I were suddenly on first name terms and exchanging numbers.

My first 5 days are done and I'm curiously optimistic about the remaining 360. With some professional support and my new mate Salad, I reckon there's good things ahead.

Indigo Kate x

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